Unless stated otherwise, all music tracks are subject to at least one subtype of licensing, such as a Creative Commons license. The aim of music licensing is to protect the rights of the composer and the artist.
If the copyright owner of a song does not permit you to use their music in your content, or documentaries, whether it be for personal or commercial use, you will risk facing serious copyright infringements. In such cases, the copyright owner can block your content, meaning that you will not be able to receive any more views, mute your content’s audio, or monetize your content.
That is why, if you want to add music to your Facebook videos, Twitch streams, Instagram posts, YouTube content, or commercial projects, you should not be taking music licensing for granted. Licensed music requires payment each time it is played. That is why most professionals opt for using license-free music.
License free music does not require making a payment for each time you use a song in a creative project or play it in the background of your videos.