Cancel Anytime!
You get to decide what to do with your subscription. You can cancel it anytime you like. No extra fee, whatsoever.
Start your 30-day free trial to access 16,000+ tracks and 18,000+ sound effects.
For individual content creators
Pay $77.88 annually
Save $66
For freelancers and businesses
Pay $179.88 annually
Save $120
Everything in Standard,
and plus:
You get to decide what to do with your subscription. You can cancel it anytime you like. No extra fee, whatsoever.
Monetize your videos or get rid of all the advertisement that appears at the beginning, in the middle and at the the end of the video. The ones that nobody enjoys.
Nothing ever stands still in the Snapmuse universe. Check back in for new tunes and fresh sounds every month!
Every song comes with 15, 30 and 60-second versions. Little less time to edit, little more to impress!
Is it going to be with or without the singer? Every song comes both ways. So you can decide and see it for yourself. After all, the content belongs to you.
You get to decide what to do with your subscription. You can cancel it anytime you like. No extra fee, whatsoever.
Download any tune you like, add it to your video anyway you want, release it on any digital platform you prefer. It’s all up to you.
Monetize your videos or get rid of all the advertisement that appears at the beginning, in the middle and at the the end of the video. The ones that nobody enjoys.
Nothing ever stands still in the Snapmuse universe. Check back in for new tunes and fresh sounds every month!
Every song comes with 15, 30 and 60-second versions. Little less time to edit, little more to impress!
Is it going to be with or without the singer? Every song comes both ways. So you can decide and see it for yourself. After all, the content belongs to you.