
How to Get More Followers on Instagram

The key to reaching new audiences and growing your personal or business brand on Instagram is learning to speak the language of the algorithm. Whether you are starting from scratch or seeking effective ways to maximize your reach, keeping yourself up to date with what’s new with Instagram is crucial for creating outstanding content. If you are trying to learn which tips and tricks you can use to gain more followers and skyrocket your engagement, we are here to guide you through what works for Instagram in 2023!

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1) Maximizing Your Reach: Tips for Gaining More Instagram Followers

With its 1.440 billion users from around the world, Instagram allows for the endless potential for engagement, creativity, and visibility. Building a strong following on Instagram is a journey that requires patience, consistency, and the ability to adapt to the constantly changing algorithms. As the algorithms evolve, some creators are surprised when they go viral through an old post that did not have high engagement before, while others wake up one day to see that their strategy is no longer serving them anymore.

Whether you're an artist, a content creator, or a business owner looking to increase your presence on Instagram, the first thing to bear in mind is to embrace the changes, trends, and new features on the app to reach a wider audience. Showing the algorithm your niche, target audience, and consistent branding will help you achieve this.

If you have been struggling to grow your following, the first thing we recommend is checking your Account Status to ensure you haven't unknowingly violated any of Instagram's guidelines. As Instagram limits your account’s visibility to potential followers in such cases.

To do this, go to Settings, tap Account, and then Account Status. If you see a checkmark next to Recommendation Guidelines and Community Guidelines, then no need to worry! Otherwise, you can request a review from Instagram.

One critical aspect to consider is the use of music in your content. Adding copyrighted music to your posts goes against Instagram's Community Guidelines and puts your account at risk. To prevent this from happening, you can browse our extended non-copyright music library and find the best music to boost your content.

2) The Power of Engagement: How Interacting with Others Can Help You Get More Followers

With Instagram, the power of engagement lies in the ability to connect with others and form meaningful relationships with your followers. Responding to comments on your posts and liking them shows the algorithm that your contents have high engagement, leading to better placement in your followers' feeds.

Another way to quickly boost your account’s engagement is to use interactive stickers in your Instagram stories. For example, rather than announcing that you have posted brand-new content on your page by sharing your post in your story with a New Post sticker on it, invite your audience to engage with your stories through Poll stickers, Q&As, or Emoji Reaction stickers.

If you are a YouTube content creator, you can also share a clip from your recent video on your story and top it with an Emoji Reaction sticker. If you do not know how to share a YouTube video on Instagram, we, at, crafted an easy-to-follow detailed guide for you to seek out whenever it’s needed.

So, basically, once Instagram sees that your followers’ engagement with your story is increasing, you will have the algorithm in your favor. It will bring your story forward for your other followers to see and feature it to users who do not follow you yet.

3) Creating Quality Content: How to Attract and Retain More Instagram Followers

Creating quality content that truly resonates with your audience is key to attracting and reaching out to more Instagram followers. When evaluating the quality of your content, Instagram considers two factors that matter most: the visual appeal of your images and videos and the original, creative twist you bring to your posts.

In a sea of endless scrolling, your content has the power to stop someone in their tracks and leave a lasting impression. High-quality images and videos that grab the eye and make an impact are crucial, but it's the originality you bring to each post that will make your content truly unforgettable for the algorithm.

Whether you have a personal or business brand on Instagram, think about what you want your posts to offer to your audience to develop the right strategy for creating original content. Are you more comfortable with your content being relatable, informative, or inspiring? Taking your time to digest your unique style and voice will make your content stand out and attract more followers.

4) Effective Hashtagging: How to Use Hashtags to Get More Instagram Followers

The meaning of effective hashtagging has drastically changed since 2011 when Instagram introduced them for the first time. Therefore, using hashtags from the stone age will do more damage than good for your account’s reach and engagement. 

What Instagram values the most is that your account has a niche, meaning that all the content you create promotes one main area of interest. You need to tell the algorithm that your account has a specific passion by using hashtags that are only relevant to your purpose so that Instagram can feature your content for people who are actually looking to follow an account like yours. 

Avoid using general and high-volume hashtags such as explore, ootd, followme, fun, instalove that are unrelated to your content. Check out which hashtags your audience follows and make sure, and use a maximum of five hashtags. Trust us when we say new year, new rules. Flooding your captions with too many hashtags like in old times does not equal more visibility on today’s Instagram.

How to Get More Followers on Instagram

5) Building Your Brand: How to Establish Your Business or Personal Brand on Instagram

Building a strong brand on Instagram is the cornerstone of creating a lasting impression on your followers. It is more than just creating a visually appealing profile and posting regularly. It's about telling a unique story, connecting with your audience, and showcasing what sets you apart from others in your industry. 

Every detail, from your color palette to your font choices and tone of voice, is a piece of the puzzle that contributes to your overall brand image. For personal branding, you can make a powerful impact by aligning your profile picture with your niche and showcasing your brand's signature color scheme. For example, if you are an influencer chef, showcase your confident spirit in your chef's attire for a picture-perfect profile.

You can create a magnetic brand presence on Instagram by incorporating keywords related to your brand’s niche in your profile nameplate, username, bio, and captions. This signals to the Instagram algorithm that your content is relevant and valuable, leading to increased visibility and connection with your target audience.

6) Networking and Collaboration: How Working with Others Can Help You Get More Instagram Followers

By embracing the power of networking and collaboration, you open yourself up to a world of opportunities to expand your reach and grow your following on Instagram. 

The Collab post feature lets you join forces with other creators, with your content appearing on both accounts simultaneously. You can also leverage Instagram's collaborative live streaming by working with three other content creators. As Instagram sends a notification to all followers when the live video starts, you'll have the chance to introduce yourself to new viewers and grow your following.

7) Staying Active and Consistent: The Importance of Regularly Posting and Engaging on Instagram

By regularly posting quality content and engaging with your audience, you show them that you value their presence and tell the algorithm that you are dedicated to interacting with your audience. 

Even if it’s not a post, share some content on a daily basis to drive engagement to your page. As much as Instagram values the amount of engagement you are getting, it also pays attention to how long your viewers interact with your posts and stories. The first couple of seconds of your Reels and Stories determines if you can hook your audience. 

Captivating your followers and ensuring that they are watching your stories as long as possible is achieved through choosing some intriguing music to complement your niche. At, you can learn how to add music to Instagram story and discover our unique royalty-free music library to maximize your reach on Instagram.

8) Using Instagram's Features: How to Utilize Instagram Stories, IGTV, and Live Streaming to Get More Followers

Instagram is an ever-evolving platform, with new features constantly being added to enhance the user experience. IGTV is gone with the dinosaurs and it’s replaced by 10-minute-long Instagram Videos. 

Also, the popularity of Reels keeps increasing every other day. As we discussed, you have just about two seconds to hook your viewers, and knowing how to do this in Reels is what will bring the most followers to your account. One way to achieve this is to learn how to save music on Instagram, collect the trending non-copyrighted sounds in your private Instagram audio library, and shoot a video featuring these audios while everybody else is still using them. Another effective trick is to add captions to your reels with the Caption sticker to lead your viewers’ focus to your storytelling to maximize your reach and grow your audience.

One sufficient way to utilize Instagram stories is to use their 24-hour display time to your advantage and experiment with what works for an extended engagement. If certain types of content you share in your stories do not give satisfying results, you can make note of the things that do not interest your audience and avoid them in the future. You can also use live streaming to interact and bond with your audience to develop a strong and consistent follower profile.

9) Running Contests and Giveaways: How to Use Instagram Contests and Giveaways to Get More Followers

Running contests and giveaways on Instagram is a powerful tool for gaining new followers and growing your community.

You can give away products, and coupon codes or team up with other brands to incentivize engagement and increase exposure for your brand. By requiring that the contestants follow your page, comment on your post, and tag other users to win the prize, you will make sure that your content reaches an audience you didn’t have access to before.

10) Analyzing and Adapting: How to Measure Your Instagram Success and Make Changes to Improve Your Follower Count

Tracking your Instagram journey provides you with valuable insights into what works and what doesn’t, and encourages you to make grounded decisions about how to attract and retain more followers. 

To view your Insights, simply visit your profile page and tap the triple bar located at the top-right corner. This will give you an overview of your account's performance, including content interactions, the number of accounts you’ve reached and engaged with, ads, and plays on your videos. 

Optimizing your posting time for when your followers are most active can immediately boost your engagement. Always keep in mind that the more you interact with your audience, the more you maximize your reach to potential followers. 

When analyzing your Insights, be patient and give yourself at least 1-1.5 months to see clear results. Remember, not all posts will perform equally, and some may even go viral months later. 

As a final note, an evaluation of how other social media platforms such as YouTube and Facebook operate shows that you should be careful with your choice of music on Instagram. If you are familiar with how to monetize Facebook, and its strict copyright infringements, you can guess how Instagram’s future copyright policies may turn out as they have recently started to promote monetizing business accounts. 

To protect your account from any further complications, make sure to use royalty-free music in your Instagram content. As always, is right by your side to help you discover the best non-copyrighted music for your niche for increasing your reach and engagement.

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