
YouTube Channel Ideas for Beginners

If you want to start your own YouTube channel but don’t know where to start, this guide is for you! The home of more than a billion videos, YouTube is the second most visited website on the internet. Over 37 million registered users collectively watch videos on a wide range of topics for millions of hours every day. As the video sharing platform, YouTube offers more than 800 million videos that inform and entertain. In order to keep the platform fun and engaging, YouTube provides many benefits to the content creators also known as YouTubers. As a result, a successful YouTuber makes a serious income through their videos. If you want to be one of the most successful stars of YouTube, this is the sign you are looking for! Grab your camera, browse our free non copyright music for YouTube library and start growing your channel now. If you don’t know where to start, see our in-depth guide below.

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YouTube Channel Ideas for Beginners

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YouTube Channel Ideas

There is no better time to start your YouTube channel than now! The platform offers huge opportunities to content creators so that you can be a full time YouTuber and make your living out of a job you love and enjoy.

If you want to be a YouTuber but don’t have any YouTube channel ideas, we got you covered. We gathered the most popular YouTube channel ideas for beginners. 

What are the easiest YouTube channels to start?

When you take a closer look at most followed YouTube channels, you can see that some concepts perform much better than the others. In this guide, we gathered these high performing YouTube channel concepts.

Below you can find 10 easiest YouTube channel ideas that can kickstart your online career and inspire you to create viral videos. 

You can use royalty free music and free intro music for YouTube to grab the attention of your followers and grow your channel. 


Vlogs have been very popular on YouTube for a very long time. Offering an unfiltered and sincere feel, vlogs are very easy to create. All you need is a camera -You don’t even need sophisticated edits and effects for impressive vlogs.

You can share a lot in your vlogs: Highlights of your day, your opinions and thoughts, special events you attend like festivals, your travels and trips, your daily or weekly routine, and so forth. 

The point of a vlog is to share your life. Your creativity is the only limit to the content of your vlogs.

YouTube audience really likes vlogs because of the personal feel. They tend to engage more with vlogs due to this reason.  

If you will run a business account, you can also occasionally vlog a day in your office What your team does, how you manufacture your products etc.

Video Gaming

Video gaming has been a big hit on YouTube since the very first days of the platform. That is why there are thousands of gaming channels with cult-like following on YouTube.

If you enjoy gaming, you can do live streams where you play your favourite games or you can review new games. From indie games to hyper casual mobile games, you can showcase almost any game on your YouTube channel.

In addition to live streams and reviews, walkthrough videos are also very popular on the internet. Many players resort to these videos when they get stuck on a certain level or task in a game so you can grow your channel and reach thousands of people with high quality walkthrough videos. 


No one can resist a good unboxing video! Unboxing channels often take a closer look at new products and test them online to discuss their features along with their pros and cons to establish whether they are worth the money. 

If you like testing new products, trying out tech gear, and consumer products, an unboxing channel is a very good fit for you.

These channels aim to provide valuable information for consumers while offering entertaining content. That is why most people first watch few unboxing videos before making a serious purchase. 

Most unboxing channels focus on technology but there are numerous channels that do unboxing videos for food and cosmetics as well. If you are not very tech savvy, you can opt for shooting unboxing videos for make-up products, to-go packs from fast food restaurants, or trendy garments. 

Almost all big companies are very aware of the unboxing trend on YouTube so they send out freebies to YouTubers with a significant follower base. 

If you want to start a YouTube channel for your business, unboxing videos can provide your potential customers with insights on your product: What to expect, how to use etc.


Tutorials are the backbone of YouTube! From household chores to coding projects, you can find a tutorial of almost anything on YouTube.

If you have expertise in a certain area or field, you can start a tutorials channel today!

Netizens enjoy learning new skills through easy-to-follow videos on the internet so you can easily grow your tutorials channel and even make a living out of it. 


As humans, we all share the love for a delicious meal. On YouTube, you can turn this common love into profit!

If you enjoy cooking, you start a cooking channel today. All you need is some tasty recipes, a kitchen and a camera. You can start with simple dishes and advance your recipes as you grow your channel and get accustomed to making videos. 

The key to a successful cooking channel is delicious recipes, appealing presentations and of course good background music! Share your recipes in detail, tell your followers where they can find the ingredients, explain your technique and show how the food should look like at every stage. 

When the dish is ready, don’t forget to do some beauty shoots to showcase your artistry. In order to make your videos more engaging, you must add appropriate music as well. 

See our YouTube background music download library to find the best background music for your cooking videos. 


Share your traveling adventures with your followers! If you want to start a travelling channel, pack your bags and hit the road today -Don’t forget to take your camera with you!

Most people like to do a little research before they travel to somewhere new. They watch travelling vlogs to learn where to eat, where to see, where to stay and so on. 

Photography and Videography

With the unstoppable rise of social media platforms, we are all the main character, producer and editor of our own lives. We aim to share the most polished version of our experiences and adventures with the world. That is why we are always on the lookout for new videography and photography tips to create beautiful memories and even more beautiful social media posts.

If you know your way around video and photo editing tools, you can start your videography and photography channel now. Share your secrets and tips, do how-to videos and much more to gain a significant follower base.


For health or vanity, fitness is important! A decade or so ago, we would hit the gym and try to find a personal trainer within our budget but now we have YouTube and home equipment. 

In order to target specific areas, learn how to enhance our physique, improve our endurance, and eat healthy, we all refer to YouTube channels. If you have expertise in at least one of these areas, you can start your fitness channel now.

You can share exercise tips, workout videos, yoga routines, healthy smoothies and much more on your fitness channel.


The cosmetics industry is growing bigger every day. So does makeup channels on YouTube!

If you are a makeup guru, you can start a makeup channel on YouTube. You can do product reviews, share tutorials, create unique makeup looks and more.

Movie Reviews

Thanks to the streaming giants like Netflix and Amazon Prime, we have thousands of movies at the tip of our fingers. As a result, choosing what to watch is not an easy task. Luckily, we have movie review channels! 

For finding a movie that matches our vibe or deciding whether a movie is worth our money is easier with review channels.

If you are into movies, all you need to start your review channel is a camera! Gather your thoughts and start recording now to reach thousands of viewers and share your cinema opinions with the masses.

What YouTube channel should I start?

We have shortlisted few of the most popular YouTube channel ideas for you. If you have trouble deciding what YouTube channel you should start, you must first consider your interests and talents. 

Finding a concept that excites you and that is within your abilities is the most important part of your YouTube journey. For instance, starting a software tutorials channel is very difficult if programming is not your forte. If you start a YouTube channel on something you enjoy and know a lot about is the best route if you want to go far.

Which is best topic for YouTube channel?

The best topic for your YouTube channel is a topic that excites you! Although it is fun, being a YouTuber is very demanding. That is why starting a channel on a topic that you find boring will most likely result in your quitting this journey shortly after you start.

Another thing you must pay attention to is the demand. If you want to make it big, you must choose a popular topic that interests many people. According to the data shared by YouTube, following topics are most popular on the platform: Entertainment, food, and gaming.

What is YouTuber salary?

The salary of a YouTuber depends on their follower base. Larger the following, bigger the check! The most famous YouTube stars earn around $20 million per year. So if you successfully grow your audience, you can make millions off of YouTube videos!

In order to maintain the popularity of the platform, YouTube offers very good deals to dedicated content creators through YouTube Partner Program. Through this program, you earn a certain amount of money per every ad view. 

Why do my videos get no views?

In order to get views, you should create engaging and entertaining content. Offer unique perspectives and new information in an easy-to-consume way. You can utilize creative edits, royalty free songs, free beats, video effects and more to make your videos more appealing and engaging.

In addition to their content, you should also pay attention to how you market your videos. Add curiosity inducing thumbnails, use the right video tags, make your titles interesting. Also engaging with your followers, avoiding making your videos too long and being consistent with your content are other points you should consider. 

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